Strategic Consulting

The willingness for the consultant and client to work hand in hand to surpass limiting beliefs about themselves, their entities, and their team, is the core of our operation. Working with driven individuals, Elevate strives to bring growth, organization, and opportunity to each company, as well as freedom to every entrepreneur. Great Leaders, Great Companies, That’s Elevate.

Ready to kick start your business?
12 Week Commitment, one-on-one coaching.
$2,400 per month, Weekly Meetings and Action Items Week after Week.


Organization within an office, online, and through bookkeeping are essential to maintaining efficiency in all operations. The core focus of our organizational strategy is based on the following 3 key areas: Simplification, Allocation, and Execution. By implementing a structured organizational plan company-wide, companies can reset and solidify the foundation of their operations. With a strong foundation in place, companies can elevate to the next level seamlessly.

Strategic Planning

A missing component in many businesses is often the most important part, the plan. With a well-organized operation and accurate financial reporting, we work together with our clients to establish a detailed strategy. This planning allows each client to be prepared for market shifts and be able to best capitalize on the changing environments around them. Each plan is broken down into actionable steps with timelined solutions for ultimate productivity. Most importantly, we provide accountability training and development that ensures that each party involved is following through to elevate their role in the marketplace.

Process & Procedure Design

To get to scale, business leaders need to focus on working ON their business as opposed to IN their business. To make this pivotal leap, companies must design processes and procedures that are repeatable and teachable. With a set foundation and a road map to follow, we provide our clients with the resources to develop detailed procedures. From teaching methods on how to implement these procedures, all the way down to organizational hierarchy, this creates a holistic process that becomes part of a company’s culture. The development of this streamlined process is essential to elevate the leader to the position of being able to forecast and control their company's growth.

Human Resources

People are the essential fabric of any great company. How do you get great people? Humans are keenly aware of organization, patterns, and a structured flow. When an organized structure, developed plan, and detailed process are created for your team, the results can magnify quickly. We work with businesses to develop their people and teams to be as autonomous as possible within a carefully designed framework. This autonomy creates a workplace where transparency, communication, and collaboration flourish. No business can get to great heights without a great team. We help leaders build and motivate these teams to elevate them to sustained success.


A company can have a great team, organized plans, and a detailed process, but without exposure to their target market, they may struggle. We help companies understand the value of marketing, branding, and advertising, and work with them to develop a sophisticated marketing strategy to reach their target clients. We have many affiliates in the marketing space with whom we collaborate to build a unified message that consistently communicates with prospective customers. Combined with a functioning back office, this targeted and strategic marketing will elevate the revenue and growth of a new or established business.

Let's connect to achieve impeccable growth!